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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning!

As we peak into Spring, we may take notice to remnants of the previous season that are lingering, besieged to stay current in the present’s lovely ambiance. However, just as it is necessary for the seasons to change, it is important that we understand that we, too, may be entering into new seasons of our lives that things from our previous season just cannot accompany us to. It is time examine our journey and clean some things out!

The Bible says, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Psalms 51:7)

God may be preparing you to reach new heights, but you are too weighed down to be elevated. Examine yourself for distractions, excuses and purpose killers. If you are assured that God has instilled in you a grand vision, align yourself with a Word that cleanses and rid yourself of doubt. Discard filthy connections and perverted relationships and allow God’s wisdom to lead you to enriching influences.

From time to time we have to pause and ask God to show us, us. The truth is, life happens. Sometime life happens so fast that we don’t even allow time to recess and rid our lives of the debris that may have accumulated along the way. Harmful relations, hindering thoughts, and fear may come in the form of debris and clutter with the sole intent to distract you from entering into the season that He is preparing just for you. Refusing to examine ourselves could very well be detrimental to the way we transition into the next phase of God’s will for our lives. So as we embrace Spring’s essence, let us take inventory! It is time to spring clean! Let my sister, Bri, assist you with recognizing the many forms of debris that we may just be ignoring...


Hebrews 12:1-2

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith…”

Apart from pollen and April showers, I love the spring time! Beautiful weather, the blooming of flowers, and sundresses and sandals make me happy. I even partake in a little spring cleaning. While that part is never enjoyable, once into it, I always find that it is necessary. The same goes for matters of the heart. Every season, some things need to go. I’ve recently parted with a few things myself.

Resentment. Ever thought you were over something (or someone) before you really were? There is nothing like a similar offense or running into someone directly related to the issue to challenge the authenticity of your forgiveness or capacity to let go of that resentment. If you still get heartburn and red in the face at the thought or sight of that person, it is likely that you haven’t let go or forgiven like you thought you did. If you’re serious about it, I encourage you to verbally say, “I forgive ____ for _____” every day until your heart begins to believe it. Use the Lord’s consistent grace and forgiveness for you as a template.

Baggage. Sometimes we carry baggage like Jesus carried the cross, thinking that we can’t let it go because our life is dependent on it. The difference is, the Cross saved us eternally, while baggage kills us internally. We will carry the guilt of our past sins, our friends’ problems, our man’s issues, and the weight of providing for our future all before we ever consider Christ’s offer to carry our burdens (Matthew 11:28-30). That ends today. I challenge you to give your load to the Lord.

Fear. It has been my pattern that once I let go of one fear, it is not long before I pick up another – like the same God that conquered the last one somehow can’t comprehend the magnitude of THIS one. If God has not given us the spirit of fear, then who has? Satan? The enemy's credibility left with his access into Heaven. You? I challenge you not to think so highly of yourself (Romans 12:3). Your peers? Why are these voices louder than that of the Father? The loudest voice will always be of the one you spend the most time with. If you can't hear God, seek Him. He's not hiding from you. "If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." (Jeremiah 29:13)

Randoms. Yep, they gotta go too. Ask yourself, “Have they any intention of building a healthy relationship with me?” A text here and call there to serve as little check-ups to make sure you’re still an option is not equivalent to a proper pursuit of you. These people are not always ill-intentioned; sometimes they’re just ignorant of your worth.

Complacency. As long as you have breath, you have purpose. Revisit that vision, pursue that dream, make that phone call. Ask for help! Whether it be returning to school or venturing out into the world of entrepreneurship, complacency has no place in it!

We can’t spring forward holding onto these things. Just like when cleaning a home, cleaning your heart is a process. You may have to start with one room (issue) at a time. Ask the Lord for His help in showing you the areas of your life that need to be cleansed, and don’t run when He reveals it to you. With His help, you can be your purest self!

With love,


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