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Brianna Rodgers | Mo'Nique Bailey

Youthful, but not Useless

From Brianna:

"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 NLT

I must admit, I was initially fearful to launch I couldn't help but think "I'm young, who will listen? I'm not perfect and I don't want to live under the spotlight. I don't want people to think that I think I'm better than others". I sought wise counsel before deciding that I wanted to go through with this platform. Among the advice I received were these words: "You let God's light shine through You. Your age will encourage other women your age to seek Christ. Continue to be an example. Let the God in you outshine your fear of judgement."

When I get anxiety about being considered a young leader, I am reminded of the scripture 1 Timothy 4:12 (referenced above). I am not ashamed of my faith and God has no respect of person (or age). I'm reminded that God requires of me what He requires of everyone that believes in Him and has accepted Him into their heart: to obey His commandments and to be an example. I'm so glad that I decided to accept Jesus into my life. I'd rather live for Him now, than to experience life without Him and then regret it later.

I encourage young women not to allow others to make them ashamed of living for Christ so young. You made an intelligent decision to live solely for your Creator. However, with that comes responsibility. We are to be an example. 1 Timothy 4:16 says,

"Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you."

We must be mindful that we are not living this life for us alone, but for those in our lives. Our decisions affect more than just us. Don't be intimidated because of this; instead, be motivated to please Christ. He doesn't expect perfection, but He requires total surrender and a repentent heart.

Let your light SHINE!!

From Mo'Nique:

Youthful, but NOT useless. I remember a time in my childhood where I would ALWAYS be told to "stay in a child's place", or receive the infamous phrase," get out of grown people's business". It drove me insane, I declared that when I indeed became an adult, I would make sure to always put in my two cents and some. Lol. Well, here I am in my young adulthood, and sometimes I still feel like I'm being told that I'm too young. Whether it's "Hey, Moe, don't you think you're too young to be trying to live all holy and saved?" Or "Girl, live your life! You only get one shot to be young!", or my personal favorite, "Moe, you can get saved when you're are young! YOLO man!"

Sometimes, I want to scream! The truth of the matter is that, yeah, I am young, but I have a LOT of life to live so why not live my life righteously? Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of partying and "turning up", but to be honest, I received temporary or no satisfaction at all. I decided that I spent so much time wasting my life in the world, but no one told me that I was too young to be heading down the road of destruction that I was on. No one told me, "Hey, you're too young to go to hell." So, no, I don't buy that excuse one bit. Why should all of my YOUTHFUL days be given to the enemy???? God deserves my BEST. I want Him to use me while I'm still in GOOD condition, not when I'm all beat up and tired. Would you draft soldiers at the age of 50 to go to battle in a war? Maybe as a last resort, but let's be honest, you want the drive, ambition, and zeal of a youthful warrior. It's the same way with the army for Christ. He appreciates His wise, and seasoned fighters. He loves them. However, He can definitely use His youthful soldiers to go to bat, without missing a beat or losing energy. "But, Moe, I'm too young." Why would you want to give Christ a used up, tired vessel? Isn't He worth so much more than that? It's not hard to live for Christ while you're young. Do you think that you're too young to be "an example"? Wrong again! Note the word "example." It means "a pattern, a model, something to be copied or followed. Everyone is living an example! It’s either good or it’s bad. Fathers - Mothers - Preachers - Deacon's son - School Teachers,etc. THE PASTOR HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPECT HIS LEADERS TO LIVE RIGHT!!!

2 Cor.3:2 says

"Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men."

Also, the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:11-12 MSG:

"Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching."

In this scripture we see a wonderful testimony of how God will use any body who is not afraid. God is calling the youth who are not afraid to take a stand. Why not answer while we are fueled and ready? It's not about age honestly, it's about your maturity in Christ. Timothy was a young man when he began ministering to the church. It appears that there may have been a problem for some of the older people in the congregation. Timothy didn’t have a lot of life experience, but Paul encourages Timothy not to back down and not to allow his age and inexperience to be a hindrance. I'm sure we all kind of know how Timothy felt. Paul knew that people would look down on Timothy because he was young. So he was saying to him. "Don’t give them a reason to doubt you." We need to heed that same warning. As young Christians, we need to set an example for other Christ followers as well as those who are lost. It comforts me to think that no matter what age you are, you can still witness for Jesus by your actions, when led by the Spirit. He wants to use us in our YOUTH. Allow Him to prosper your gifts. I promise His plan is way better than ours. His plan includes abundant life. What abundance is our plan manifesting? How awesome is God to show us that even in our youth, we have such GREAT purpose. So don't let your age discourage your purpose ! You're never too young!!

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